Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Bagdad TAS


Postcode: 7030

Bagdad is a small rural community 40 km north of Hobart, in the south-east of Tasmania, Australia. It has a population of around 650. In the days of the horse and buggy, it was an important rest area and horse changing for those continuing their journey up Constitution Hill. It is now an area of orchards and small mixed farms and a commuter settlement.

The town was named by the explorer Hugh Germain, who is said to have carried two books in his saddlebags while travelling, the Bible and the Arabian Nights,and he was renowned for naming places from these books.

During the early part of the Iraq war in April 2003 the town’s website was being bombarded by confused internet users from around the world trying to contact Iraqis.

Although our community is a small rural community, we produce many talented athletes which represent our state as well as the community in their chosen fields. Athletics, rowing, motorsport, softball, marching are just to name a few. The community pulls behind these sports persons in fundraising to help send them to other parts of the country to represent us.