In the south eastern corner of mainland Australia, lies the stunning state of Victoria. To the north is New South Wales, to the west is South Australia, and crossing the Tasman Sea to the south, you arrive at Tasmania.
Victoria has a wide variety of landscapes, such as alpine plateaus in the northeast, around Bright, fantastic wine regions and stunning sandy deserts in the west, near Lake Hindmarsh. This wide range makes Victoria a very popular state to visit.
The capital city of Victoria, Melbourne, is well known around the globe for its arts and culture focus, with a thriving street art scene everywhere you look in the city.

Victoria at a glance
Capital city: Melbourne
Population: 6,559,941 (Dec 2021)
Area: 237,657 km2 (91,760 sq mi)
Towns in Victoria
All about the towns in Victoria, Australia.
- A1 Mine Settlement
- Aberfeldy
- Acheron
- Addington
- Adelaide Lead
- Agnes
- Aireys Inlet
- Alberton
- Alexandra
- Allans Flat
- Allansford
- Allendale
- Allenvale
- Allestree
- Alma
- Almurta
- Alvie
- Amherst
- Amphitheatre
- Anakie
- Ancona
- Anglesea
- Annuello
- Antwerp
- Apollo Bay
- Apsley
- Ararat
- Arcadia
- Archies Creek
- Areegra
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Arthurs Creek
- Ascot
- Ashbourne
- Athlone
- Avalon
- Avenel
- Avoca
- Axedale
- Baarmutha
- Bacchus Marsh
- Baddaginnie
- Badger Creek
- Bairnsdale
- Ballan
- Ballarat
- Balnarring
- Balnarring Beach
- Bambill
- Bambill South
- Bannerton
- Bannockburn
- Barmah
- Barnawartha
- Barwon Heads
- Bass
- Batesford
- Beachcomber
- Beaconsfield Upper
- Beaufort
- Beeac
- Beechworth
- Bellbridge
- Bemm River
- Benalla
- Benambra
- Benetook
- Bernook
- Berringa
- Berriwillock
- Bethanga
- Beulah
- Beverford
- Beveridge
- Bimbourie
- Birchip
- Birdwoodton
- Birregurra
- Blackwood
- Blind Bight
- Boigbeat
- Boinka
- Boisdale
- Boneo
- Bonnie Doon
- Boolarra
- Boort
- Boundary Bend
- Breamlea
- Briagolong
- Bridgewater On Loddon
- Bright
- Broadford
- Bruthen
- Buchan
- Buckrabanyule
- Bundalong
- Bung Bong
- Buninyong
- Bunyip
- Bushy Park
- Buttlejorrk
- Buxton
- Camperdown
- Cann River
- Cannons Creek
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Clear
- Cape Paterson
- Cape Schanck
- Cape Woolamai
- Cardinia
- Cardross
- Carina
- Carlsruhe
- Carrajung
- Cassilis
- Casterton
- Castlemaine
- Charlton
- Cheshunt
- Chewton
- Chiltern
- Christmas Hills
- Chum Creek
- Churchill
- Clarkefield
- Clifton Springs
- Clunes
- Clyde
- Coal Creek
- Cobden
- Cobram
- Cobram East
- Cockatoo
- Cohuna
- Colac
- Colbinabbin
- Coleraine
- Colignan
- Connewarre
- Coongulla
- Corindhap
- Corryong
- Cottles Bridge
- Cowangie
- Cowes
- Cowwarr
- Cranbourne
- Cressy
- Creswick
- Danyo
- Dargo
- Darnum
- Darraweit Guim
- Dartmoor
- Dartmouth
- Daylesford
- Deans Marsh
- Dederang
- Derrinallum
- Devon Meadows
- Diggers Rest
- Dimboola
- Dinner Plain
- Dixons Creek
- Don Valley
- Donald
- Dooen
- Dookie
- Drouin
- Drysdale
- Dunkeld
- Dunolly
- Gaffneys Creek
- Galah
- Garfield
- Gembrook
- Genoa
- Gheringhap
- Girgarre
- Gisborne
- Glenburn
- Glenmaggie
- Glenrowan
- Glenthompson
- Goongerah
- Gordon
- Goroke
- Great Western
- Greta
- Gruyere
- Halls Gap
- Hamilton
- Harcourt
- Harrietville
- Harrow
- Hastings
- Hazelwood North
- Healesville
- Heathcote
- Hepburn Springs
- Heyfield
- Heywood
- Hoddles Creek
- Homebush
- Hopetoun
- Kalkallo
- Kallista
- Kaniva
- Karawinna
- Karween
- Katamatite
- Katunga
- Kennett River
- Kerang
- Kevington
- Kilcunda
- Kilmore
- Kinglake
- Kingston
- Koo Wee Rup
- Koondrook
- Koroit
- Korumburra
- Kurnwill
- Kyabram
- Kyneton
- Lake Boga
- Lake Bolac
- Lakes Entrance
- Lancaster
- Lancefield
- Lang Lang
- Lara
- Launching Place
- Lavers Hill
- Leitchville
- Leongatha
- Lethbridge
- Licola
- Linga
- Linton
- Lismore
- Little River
- Lockington
- Longford
- Lorne
- Macclesfield
- Macedon
- Maffra
- Main Ridge
- Maldon
- Mallacoota
- Malmsbury
- Mambourin
- Manangatang
- Mansfield
- Manya
- Marong
- Maryborough
- Maryknoll
- Marysville
- Matlock
- Maude
- Melbourne
- Melton
- Merbein
- Meredith
- Merijig
- Meringur
- Merino
- Merricks
- Merricks Beach
- Merricks North
- Merrinee
- Metung
- Mia Mia
- Milawa
- Millgrove
- Minyip
- Mirboo North
- Mitta Mitta
- Moe
- Moliagul
- Monegeetta
- Moorooduc
- Mooroopna
- Moriac
- Morkalla
- Mortlake
- Morwell
- Mount Beauty
- Mount Buller
- Mount Cottrell
- Mount Macedon
- Moyhu
- Mulcra
- Murchison
- Murrabit
- Murrayville
- Murtoa
- Myrniong
- Myrtleford
- Nagambie
- Nangana
- Nangiloc
- Nar Nar Goon
- Nathalia
- Natimuk
- Neerim South
- Nelson
- Netherby
- Newborough
- Newbridge
- Newham
- Newhaven
- Newlyn
- Newstead
- Ngallo
- Nhill
- Nilma
- Noojee
- Noorat
- Nowa Nowa
- Numurkah
- Nutfield
- Nyah
- Nyah West
- Pakenham
- Panitya
- Panmure
- Patchewollock
- Paynesville
- Pearcedale
- Pearson
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Piangil
- Picola
- Pirlta
- Point Leo
- Point Lonsdale
- Poowong
- Porepunkah
- Port Albert
- Port Campbell
- Port Fairy
- Portarlington
- Powelltown
- Pyalong
- Pyramid Hill
- Rainbow
- Rawson
- Red Cliffs
- Red Hill
- Red Hill South
- Rhyll
- Riddells Creek
- Robinvale
- Rochester
- Romsey
- Rosedale
- Rupanyup
- Rushworth
- Rutherglen
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Arnaud
- Sale
- San Remo
- Sandy Point
- Scotsburn
- Sea Lake
- Seaton
- Serpentine
- Serviceton
- Seville
- Seville East
- Seymour
- Shoreham
- Silvan
- Skipton
- Smeaton
- Smiths Gully
- Somerville
- St Andrews Beach
- St Leonards
- Stanhope
- Stanley
- Stawell
- Steels Creek
- Steiglitz
- Stratford
- Strathmerton
- Summerland
- Sunnycliffs
- Sunset
- Sutton Grange
- Swan Hill
- Swifts Creek
- Taggerty
- Tallangatta
- Tallarook
- Tallygaroopna
- Tangambalanga
- Tanjil Bren
- Taradale
- Tarnagulla
- Tarrawarra
- Tarwin Lower
- Tatong
- Tatura
- Tawonga
- Terang
- Thorpdale
- Timboon
- Tinamba
- Tintaldra
- Tittybong
- Tolmie
- Tongala
- Toolangi
- Toolern Vale
- Toongabbie
- Tooradin
- Torquay
- Torrita
- Trafalgar
- Traralgon
- Trentham
- Tunart
- Tungamah
- Tutye
- Tyabb
- Tyers
- Tynong
- Tynong North
- Waaia
- Wahgunyah
- Walhalla
- Wallan
- Wallington
- Walpeup
- Walwa
- Wandin East
- Wandin North
- Wandong
- Waratah Bay
- Warburton
- Warburton East
- Warneet
- Warracknabeal
- Warragul
- Warrion
- Watchem
- Waubra
- Wedderburn
- Werrimull
- Wesburn
- Western Tyers
- Whitfield
- Whittlesea
- Willenabrina
- Willow Grove
- Wimbledon Heights
- Winchelsea
- Wollert
- Wonthaggi
- Woodend
- Woods Point
- Woodside
- Woomelang
- Woori Yallock
- Woorinen South
- Wunghnu
- Wycheproof
- Wye River