Towns in Australia

Exploring Australia, town by town

Seaton VIC


Postcode: 3858

Seaton is a town in Victoria, Australia, located on the Heyfield – Seaton Road, north west of Heyfield in the Wellington Shire.

Population of only a couple of hundred people.

The surface soils are characteristically dark brown to black clay loams to light medium clays which can have fragments of decomposing basalt. The subsoils are dark brown to reddish brown to black clay loams to light medium clays with increasing amounts of basalt. The soils are most likely to be classified as Ferrosols (often stony) using the Australian Soil Classification. One soil profile examined was soil pit Site EG2 and has been classified as a Red Dermosol – as the subsoil free iron oxide level of 4% is not quite high enough to be classified as a Ferrosol (needing to be 5%).