Covering a third of Australia, the western most state of Australia is, you guessed it, Western Australia.
Made up mostly of the arid Outback, WA has an amazing spectrum of environments to explore. From the hot and dry northern areas such as the Pilbara and Kimberley regions, through to the forest, wet and cool southern areas of the South West and Great Southern.
Western Australia’s population is very concentrated in the capital city of Perth, spreading out through the southwest corner, home to the famous wine region of Margaret River. In the far north of the state, we have the town of Broome, with their famous Cable Beach and the camel walks, as well as a booming pearling industry. Then there is the Kimberley region, which is home to ancient Aboriginal rock art and more.

Western Australia at a glance
Capital city: Perth
Population: 2,773,400 (March 2022)
Area: 2,642,753 km2 (1,020,373 sq mi)
Towns of Western Australia
- Baandee
- Babakin
- Badgingarra
- Bailup
- Bakers Hill
- Balgo
- Balingup
- Balladonia
- Ballidu
- Banksiadale
- Barragup
- Beacon
- Beagle Bay Community
- Bencubbin
- Benger
- Beverley
- Bindoon
- Binningup
- Bodallin
- Boddington
- Bolgart
- Bonnie Vale
- Boyanup
- Boyup Brook
- Bremer Bay
- Bridgetown
- Brookton
- Broome
- Broomehill
- Bruce Rock
- Brunswick Junction
- Bullabulling
- Bunbury
- Buntine
- Burakin
- Burracoppin
- Busselton
- Cadoux
- Caiguna
- Calingiri
- Camballin
- Capel
- Carcoola
- Carnamah
- Carnarvon
- Carrabin
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Cocklebiddy
- Collie
- Congelin
- Cookernup
- Coolgardie
- Coorow
- Coral Bay
- Corrigin
- Cossack
- Cowaramup
- Cranbrook
- Crossman
- Cuballing
- Cue
- Cunderdin
- Dalwallinu
- Dampier
- Darkan
- Denham
- Denmark
- Derby
- Dongara
- Donnelly River
- Donnybrook
- Doodlakine
- Dowerin
- Dumbleyung
- Dunsborough
- Duranillin
- Dwarda
- Dwellingup
- Gascoyne Junction
- Geraldton
- Gingin
- Gnowangerup
- Goomalling
- Gracetown
- Grass Valley
- Greenough
- Guilderton
- Halls Creek
- Hamel
- Hamelin Bay
- Harrismith
- Harvey
- Herron
- Hester
- Highbury
- Hill River
- Hines Hill
- Hopetoun
- Hyden
- Kalannie
- Kalbarri
- Kalgoorlie
- Kalumburu
- Kambalda
- Kanowna
- Karlgarin
- Karratha
- Karridale
- Katanning
- Kellerberrin
- Kirup
- Kojonup
- Kondinin
- Kookynie
- Koolyanobbing
- Koorda
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kununurra
- Kweda
- Lake Clifton
- Lake Grace
- Lancelin
- Laverton
- Ledge Point
- Leinster
- Leonora
- Looma Community
- Loongana
- Lower Chittering
- Madura
- Mandurah
- Manjimup
- Marble Bar
- Marchagee
- Margaret River
- Marradong
- Marvel Loch
- Meckering
- Meekatharra
- Menzies
- Merredin
- Moora
- Moorine Rock
- Morawa
- Mount Barker
- Mount Kokeby
- Mount Magnet
- Mount Wells
- Mukinbudin
- Mullalyup
- Mullewa
- Mundijong
- Mundrabilla
- Myalup
- Nabawa
- Nanga Brook
- Nannine
- Nannup
- Narembeen
- Narrikup
- Narrogin
- New Norcia
- Newdegate
- Newman
- Nornalup
- Norseman
- North Bannister
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Northam
- Northampton
- Northcliffe
- Nullagine
- Nungarin
- Pannawonica
- Paraburdoo
- Parkeston
- Paynes Find
- Pemberton
- Perenjori
- Perth
- Piawaning
- Piesseville
- Pingelly
- Pinjarra
- Point Samson
- Popanyinning
- Porongurup
- Port Hedland
- Preston Beach
- Wagerup
- Wagin
- Walkaway
- Walpole
- Wandering
- Warburton
- Waroona
- Wedgefield
- Westonia
- Whim Creek
- Wickepin
- Wickham
- Wilbinga
- Williams
- Wiluna
- Wittenoom
- Wokalup
- Wongan Hills
- Wonnerup
- Woodanilling
- Wooroloo
- Worsley
- Wubin
- Wundowie
- Wyalkatchem
- Wyndham